Entries by onimod

BARE Shares – How Customer Experience Can Drive A Referral Strategy

As we’ve previously shared in a BARE Fact – “70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated.”  (McKinsey). But do you really know how the customer rates their experience? Will they be one of the happy customers that tell nine people about their experience, or the unhappy customer […]

Ditch New Years Resolutions Day? No Thanks…

Apparently if there’s a day to celebrate New Years and to make resolutions for the upcoming year, then there should be a day to ditch those resolutions. That’s the reason for Ditch New Years Resolutions Day… But we’re not buying it.

BARE Shares – Robots in Customer Service?

By 2020, 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without a human agent. Why? Resolving customer service issues before they arise could significantly lower customer abandonment rate. AI, chatbots and automated, self-service technologies free up call center employees from routine tier-1 support requests so they can focus on more complex tasks. Here, BARE International shares […]

Measuring Customer Experience in Healthcare.

It may be hard for some people to think of patients as customers, but they definitely are. Providing great customer service at your medical practice boosts revenue and patient satisfaction. How do you make sure each of your employees is capable of making a good first impression? Do you really know how satisfied every patient is […]

BARE Shares – Ten Customer Service And CX Predictions For 2018

Are you keeping up with the trends and offering your customers have come to expect? 2017 saw a huge shift in the customer service world. The power now lies more or less entirely with the customer… they know what to expect, they know what they want and they won’t settle for anything less. And why […]