Entries by onimod

Leveraging the Passive Customer in Your NPS Data

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. While businesses primarily focus on Promoters and Detractors, they’re missing out on a considerable and influential part of their audience: the Passives. 

5 Ways to Create a VIP Experience in Real Estate

The customer experience (CX) is at the core value in the real estate industry. Buyers, sellers, tenants, investors and real estate professionals base their buying behavior and brand loyalty on the level of service and engagement they receive.

Business Intelligence Vs Big Data in Capturing the CX

Delivering an incredible customer experience is top of mind for every business in 2020. Today, Big Data and Business Intelligence (BI) have become some of the most valuable, innovative and exciting technological offerings for the world.

3 Ways Analyze the Customer Experience

It’s official, the customer experience is now more important to brands than mobile marketing, according to an Econsultancy report. With the promise of high returns on investment and happier customers, why wouldn’t your business want to pay closer attention to what their customers are saying?


Nurturing Company Culture in Remote Offices

Remote work is on the rise, therefore it’s critical for companies to figure out how to maintain a positive company culture across the organization, regardless of the physical distance between team members.