It’s time to get your financial house in order. Spring — with new life popping up everywhere — is the source of many an impulse to start afresh. Now is a good time to evaluate things and make any necessary changes.
Tag Archive for: Customer Service 2018
At BARE International, we’re always on the look out for great mystery evaluators. But what does it really involve and what do you need to be an exceptional secret shopper? Read more
Easter is right around the corner, and while we’re all looking forward to some much needed time off, it’s certainly not time to be ignoring your customers with cash to spend! Happy customers are the keystone of success for many businesses. Poor customer service can quickly bite you where it hurts most: your profits.
It’s the luckiest weekend of the year! St. Patrick’s Day is enjoyed by millions across the globe tomorrow. Including us here at BARE International!
It may be hard for some people to think of patients as customers, but they definitely are. Providing great customer service at your medical practice boosts revenue and patient satisfaction. How do you make sure each of your employees is capable of making a good first impression? Do you really know how satisfied every patient is with the care they received? Read more
Are you keeping up with the trends and offering your customers have come to expect?
2017 saw a huge shift in the customer service world. The power now lies more or less entirely with the customer… they know what to expect, they know what they want and they won’t settle for anything less. And why should they? Here BARE International shares and article by Shep Hyken for Forbes on ‘Ten Customer Service And CX Predictions For 2018‘.
It’s no surprise that effective customer service practices continue to change with advancements in the digital sphere and general consumer interaction. According to the Fyre Festival, some important trends found in 2017 include “keeping your word with customers” and “the importance of putting customers ahead of profits.” Although it seems obvious, it’s shocking how many organizations fail to implement these practices to their consumer base. Forbes found that “a total of $62 billion was lost in 2017 due to poor customer service.” Listed below are some major trends to look out for in 2018 that could change the scope of customer service.