As we move further into 2023, customer experience has become more important than ever before. With increased competition and consumer awareness, businesses that prioritize customer experience are more likely to succeed in the long run.
Tag Archive for: customer relationships
‘Disengaged employees cost US organizations an estimated $450 to $550 billion a year, according to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace Survey. Many organizations try to improve employee engagement by throwing money at the problem — offering free food, free beer and other perks to improve employee satisfaction scores. But employee engagement is not about pool tables at the office or ice cream breaks in the afternoon — and it’s not just an HR issue.’ Here, BARE shares an article by Melissa Henley for CMS Wire on how to solve employee experience problems with customer experience skills.
According to a Walker study, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by the end of 2020. This year purchasers are empowered like never before: customers demand relevant personalized experiences, and companies must be accurate, dependable, and provide the service they guaranteed. Before approving any investment, organizations want to see a clear forecast of the return on investment for a solid CX program. It is important to choose the business metrics that are best suited to a particular industry and business.
‘The global pandemic that the world is dealing with right now has further shone a spotlight on CX, particularly on the importance of a quality digital experience. It should come as no surprise that in CX Networks’ survey, digital transformation and digital customer experience ranked high in responses from CX practitioners, solution providers and industry commenters when asked about top trends.’ Here, BARE shares the latest need-to-know stats on consumer behaviors and customer expectations.
‘It wasn’t too long ago when every business claimed that the key to winning customers was in the quality of the product or service they deliver. But, things have changed. Now, an even more important success factor has appeared. Providing the best customer experience.’ BARE shares an article by Toma Kulbytė for SuperOffice with powerful customer experience statistics.
‘Technology has made it possible for even small businesses to leverage innovation to improve their customer service and outpace competitors by building customer loyalty.’ BARE shares an article by Pritom Das for Entrepreneur with the relationship between technology and customer service.
‘It’s no secret that successful companies are the ones with satisfied customers. But while many executives claim to understand the importance of customer experience (CX), it often falls by the wayside as resources are channeled into product development.’ BARE shares an article by Aimee Tariq for Entrepreneur with the importance of CX.
‘Starbucks, Taco Bell, Wendy’s and several others have been upgrading or introducing their programs as they hope to build traffic coming out of the pandemic.’ BARE shares an article by Jonathan Maze for Restaurant Business with new and upgraded loyalty programs.
Don’t make this mistake: attend our next webinar Thursday, August 6th, on
Buyer Personas and Empathy Mapping with Digital Adoption Methods!
(Or at least just get the recording!)
“They obviously didn’t know who they emailed.”
We’ve all had this reaction to a spam email that’s missed the mark. Sometimes it’s funny, but it’s mostly annoying. It’s wasting your time because you have no intention of taking action after reading it, but depending on how good the spammer was, you have to read it first before deleting it. If you’re the spammer, you don’t care if the majority of your recipients are the right ones, because as long as a few are, you’re happy.
As a marketer or business owner, however, it’s a different story.’ BARE shares an article by Syed Balkhi for Customer Think on Why You Market to People and Not Your Customer Database.
‘In the age of COVID, all businesses have been forced to transform, especially in the B2B world. ‘ BARE shares an article by Blake Morgan for Forbes with B2B customer experience transformations.